confused woman holding open fridge

Close the Fridge to These 15 Foods You Should Never Eat Before Bed

What you eat before bed can significantly impact how well you sleep. Some foods can cause heartburn and indigestion or even keep you awake, making it harder to get a good night’s rest. While late-night snacking might seem harmless, certain foods can disrupt your sleep cycle or make you feel uncomfortable throughout the night.

If you’re looking for a peaceful night’s sleep, knowing which foods to avoid is important before hitting the pillow. Here’s a list of foods you should never eat before bed to ensure you get the restful sleep you deserve.

Spicy Foods

plate of wings
Image credit: Depositphotos Xalanx.

Eating spicy foods like chili, hot wings, or spicy curries before bed can cause serious discomfort. Spices tend to raise your body temperature, which can interfere with your body’s natural cool-down process for sleep. They also irritate your digestive system, leading to heartburn or indigestion, making it harder to fall asleep.

Spicy meals can also cause acid reflux, especially when you lie down, making sleep even more uncomfortable. While spices may add flavor to your meals, they aren’t the best bedtime snack. It’s better to enjoy your favorite spicy dishes earlier in the day.


dark chocolate pieces
Image Credits: Depositphotos/HandmadePicture.

Chocolate may seem like a harmless treat, but it can keep you awake at night. This is because chocolate contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. Dark chocolate, in particular, has higher levels of caffeine compared to milk chocolate.

In addition to caffeine, chocolate also contains theobromine, another compound that can increase heart rate and make it difficult to relax. The combination of caffeine and sugar can keep your mind buzzing when you’re trying to unwind. If you’re craving something sweet, opt for a piece of fruit instead.


Cheddar cheese
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

While cheese is a comfort food for many, it’s not the best choice before bedtime. Cheese, especially strong varieties like blue cheese or cheddar, is high in tyramine, an amino acid that can increase alertness and keep you awake.

Tyramine triggers the release of a hormone called norepinephrine, which can make you feel more awake and energetic, not exactly the state of mind you want before bed. In addition, the high-fat content in cheese can also cause indigestion or discomfort while you sleep. Save your cheese platter for earlier in the evening.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fresh fruits
Image Credits: Depositphotos/xura

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons may be healthy, but they’re not ideal for a pre-bedtime snack. The high acidity in these fruits can cause heartburn or acid reflux, especially if you’re prone to digestive issues.

Eating something so acidic right before lying down can irritate your esophagus and lead to discomfort. Additionally, the natural sugars in citrus fruits can give you a burst of energy, making it harder to relax. For a better nighttime snack, choose something low in acid, like bananas or apples.


pouring coffee creamer
Image Credits: Depositphotos/chayathon.

This one may seem obvious, but coffee is a major no-no before bed. Caffeine, the main stimulant in coffee, can block the chemicals in your brain that help you relax and feel sleepy. Even decaffeinated coffee contains small amounts of caffeine, which can still affect sensitive individuals.

Drinking coffee late in the day can delay your sleep cycle and make it difficult to fall asleep. If you need a warm drink before bed, opt for herbal tea, which can help calm your nerves and promote better sleep.

Fried Foods

french fries with ketchup and mustard
Image Credits: Depositphotos/studioM.

Fried foods like french fries, fried chicken, and onion rings are heavy and difficult for your body to digest. Consuming these high-fat foods before bed can cause indigestion, heartburn, and bloating, all of which can interfere with your ability to sleep comfortably.

Fatty foods also take longer to digest, keeping your stomach working overtime while your body is trying to rest. This can lead to tossing and turning throughout the night. To avoid waking up feeling sluggish, skip the fried foods before bed.


Pizza Four Seasons on wooden table close up
Image Credits: Depositphotos/FabioBalbi

As tempting as a late-night slice of pizza might be, it’s one of the worst foods you can eat before bed. Pizza is loaded with fat, grease, and acidic tomato sauce, which can cause heartburn and indigestion.

The combination of cheese, pepperoni, and other high-fat toppings makes it harder for your body to digest, leading to discomfort. Plus, the large amount of carbs can spike your blood sugar, leaving you feeling restless. If you must have a snack, try something light and easy to digest instead.


Mulled Wine
Image Credits: Depositphotos/zi3000.

While alcohol may initially make you feel drowsy, it can disrupt your sleep later in the night. Alcohol interferes with your REM sleep, the most restorative phase of your sleep cycle, causing you to wake up feeling tired and groggy.

It can also cause dehydration and lead to frequent trips to the bathroom during the night. In addition, alcohol relaxes your throat muscles, increasing the likelihood of snoring and sleep apnea. For better sleep quality, avoid alcohol in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Ice Cream

No Churn Pumpkin Spice Latte Ice Cream
Image Credit:

Ice cream may be the perfect dessert for some, but it’s not the best choice before bed. Ice cream is high in sugar and fat, which can cause a spike in blood sugar and then a crash, making it difficult to settle into sleep.

The sugar can give you a burst of energy, while the fat slows down digestion, leading to discomfort. Additionally, dairy products can cause issues for people who are lactose intolerant, resulting in stomach pain or bloating. If you’re craving something cold, try a small serving of yogurt instead.

Sugary Cereals

bowls of sugary cereal
Image Credits: Depositphotos/ jirkaejc.

Sugary cereals are often marketed as a breakfast option, but eating them before bed can mess with your sleep. Cereals high in sugar cause a spike in blood sugar, followed by a crash that can leave you feeling restless or anxious.

The simple carbohydrates in sugary cereals are digested quickly, leading to a burst of energy when you should be winding down. This makes it harder to fall asleep and can disrupt your sleep cycle. Opt for a whole-grain cereal with low sugar content if you’re looking for a late-night snack.

Red Meat

Front view of fresh raw red meat on wooden cutting board on nude color towel lemon garlic on mixed color background
Image Credits: Freepik/mdjaff.

Red meat is packed with protein and fat, which makes it a poor choice for a bedtime meal. It takes a long time for your body to digest, which can leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable throughout the night.

The high-fat content can also cause acid reflux, especially if you’re prone to digestive issues. Additionally, red meat can raise your body temperature, making it harder to cool down and fall asleep. Stick to lighter proteins, like chicken or fish, if you’re having a late dinner.


vine cherry tomatoes
Image Credits: Depositphotos/belchonock.

Tomatoes and tomato-based products, like pasta sauce or ketchup, can cause acid reflux and heartburn when eaten before bed. Tomatoes are naturally acidic, and lying down soon after eating them can worsen the problem, leading to discomfort and a disrupted sleep cycle.

Even though they’re healthy and full of vitamins, they’re best avoided late at night. Eating tomatoes before bed can also lead to indigestion, making it harder to fall asleep peacefully. If you love tomatoes, enjoy them earlier in the day to avoid any nighttime troubles.


glasses of soda
Image Credits: Depositphotos/SergeBlack.

Soda is another drink that can keep you awake at night. Not only does it contain caffeine, but it’s also packed with sugar, both of which can interfere with your sleep. The carbonation in soda can cause bloating and indigestion, making it harder to get comfortable.

Some sodas, especially cola, can also lead to acid reflux, particularly if you drink them right before lying down. To stay hydrated without the sugar rush, choose water or a non-caffeinated herbal tea instead.

Energy Drinks

Red Bull Energy Drink lemonade soft drinks in cans on ice cubes
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Boarding2Now

Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine and other stimulants that are designed to keep you awake, so it’s no surprise that they should be avoided before bed. These drinks can raise your heart rate, increase alertness, and make it difficult to relax when it’s time to sleep.

The high sugar content in most energy drinks can also cause a spike in blood sugar, followed by a crash that leaves you feeling restless. If you’re looking to wind down, avoid these drinks altogether in the evening. For a boost of energy, try natural options earlier in the day.

Popcorn with Extra Butter

Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

While plain popcorn can be a healthy snack, adding too much butter or salt can turn it into a sleep disruptor. The high-fat content from the butter can cause indigestion or heartburn, especially if you eat a large portion right before bed. Salt can also make you feel dehydrated, prompting you to wake up for water during the night. Instead of slathering your popcorn with butter, try keeping it light and unsalted if you’re craving something crunchy before bed.

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