woman resisting eating banana

Avoid These 15 Foods That Are Terrible for Healthy Kidney Function

The kidneys play a vital role in filtering waste and balancing fluids in your body, but certain foods can put unnecessary strain on these important organs. If you’re looking to support better kidney health or prevent potential issues, it’s essential to be mindful of what you eat. Some foods are high in sodium, potassium, or phosphorus, which can be hard on the kidneys, especially for people with chronic kidney disease.

 Avoiding or limiting these foods can help your kidneys function more effectively and maintain overall health.

Processed Meats

deli meats
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Nalga.

Processed meats, like bacon, ham, sausage, and deli meats, are often loaded with sodium. High sodium levels can lead to water retention, which forces your kidneys to work harder to filter out the excess. 

Over time, this can strain your kidneys and potentially lead to kidney damage. Processed meats also contain preservatives that can further stress the kidneys. Limiting your intake of these meats is a good step toward protecting your kidney health.

Canned Soups

Top view mushroom soup
Image Credits: Freepik/freepik

Canned soups may seem convenient, but they often contain very high amounts of sodium. Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, which is one of the leading causes of kidney disease. 

The high salt content in these soups forces your kidneys to work overtime to eliminate the excess, which can weaken their function. If you love soup, try making homemade versions with fresh ingredients and less salt. This will ease the burden on your kidneys while still satisfying your cravings.

Soda and Sugary Drinks

orange soda
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

Soda and other sugary drinks, like energy drinks and sweetened teas, are harmful to your kidneys. These beverages contain high levels of sugar and artificial additives that can cause inflammation and damage to the kidneys over time. 

Drinking too much soda also increases your risk of developing conditions like diabetes, which is a major risk factor for kidney disease. Reducing or cutting out sugary drinks can make a big difference in supporting healthy kidney function.

Dairy Products

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Dairy products, including milk, cheese, and yogurt, are rich in phosphorus, which can be difficult for your kidneys to filter out. If too much phosphorus builds up in your blood, it can weaken your bones and cause other health issues. 

For those with existing kidney problems, it’s especially important to limit dairy intake to avoid putting extra strain on the kidneys. Opt for dairy alternatives, like almond or oat milk, which are lower in phosphorus and easier on the kidneys.


mixed potatoes
Image Credits: Depositphotos/zigzagmtart.

While potatoes are a staple food for many, they are high in potassium, which can be problematic for kidney health. Healthy kidneys regulate potassium levels in the body, but when the kidneys are impaired, too much potassium can build up and lead to serious heart problems. 

For better kidney function, limit your potato consumption and opt for lower-potassium vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, or green beans. Boiling potatoes before eating them can also reduce their potassium content.

Tomato Products

Image Credits: Depositphotos/Kesu01.

Tomatoes and tomato-based products like sauces, ketchup, and soups are high in potassium and often contain added salt. For those with kidney issues, the combination of high potassium and sodium can make it difficult for the kidneys to maintain a healthy balance of fluids and electrolytes. 

Instead of using tomato-based products, you can switch to low-potassium alternatives or add flavor to your meals with herbs and spices. Avoiding processed tomato products is a simple way to protect your kidneys.


Image Credits: Depositphotos/MSeN.

Bananas are well-known for their potassium content, which is great for most people but can be harmful if your kidneys aren’t functioning properly. High potassium levels can lead to dangerous heart issues if your kidneys are unable to filter out the excess.

For those trying to improve kidney function, limiting or avoiding bananas is better. You can replace them with lower-potassium fruits like apples, berries, or grapes, which are gentler on the kidneys.

Salted Snacks

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Chips, pretzels, and salted nuts are convenient snacks, but they are loaded with sodium, which can be detrimental to kidney function. Too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, increasing kidney disease risk. 

High sodium intake makes it harder for the kidneys to maintain a proper fluid balance. Swapping out these snacks for unsalted versions or fresh fruits and vegetables is a better choice for keeping the kidneys healthy.

Pickles and Fermented Foods

Image Credits: Depositphotos/Cosmin35.

Pickles, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods often contain large amounts of salt to preserve them. While these foods can be tasty, excessive sodium can strain your kidneys, especially if you’re already at risk for kidney disease. 

High sodium intake can cause your body to retain too much fluid, making it harder for your kidneys to work properly. Opt for fresh vegetables or low-sodium versions of these foods to help support better kidney health.

Processed Cheese

sliced cheese
Image Credits: Depositphotos/lisaaMC.

Processed cheeses, such as American cheese, cheese spreads, and pre-shredded varieties, contain high sodium and phosphorus levels. Both can strain kidneys and make it harder for them to function properly. 

Consuming too much phosphorus can lead to weakened bones and other health problems over time. Choosing fresh, low-sodium cheeses like mozzarella or goat cheese can help protect your kidneys while still allowing you to enjoy dairy.

Oranges and Orange Juice

Fresh orange juice in the glass
Image Credits: freepik/jcomp

Oranges and orange juice are high in potassium, which can be problematic for individuals with reduced kidney function. When the kidneys can’t remove excess potassium from the blood, it can lead to complications such as heart issues. 

Limiting your intake of oranges and opting for lower-potassium fruits like apples, berries, or pears can help you avoid these risks. It’s a simple change that can make a big difference in kidney health.

Red Meat

fork with steak
Image Credits: Depositphotos/komarmaria.

Red meat, such as beef, lamb, and pork, is high in protein and can be tough on the kidneys if eaten in large amounts. When your kidneys aren’t functioning at their best, they have a harder time filtering out the waste products from digesting protein. 

This can lead to a buildup of toxins in the blood, which is harmful to your kidneys. Reducing your consumption of red meat and opting for plant-based protein sources, like beans or tofu, can help lighten the load on your kidneys.

Whole Grains

Brown Rice Flour Bread Recipe (VeganGluten Free)
Image Credit: thatgirlcookshealthy.com

Whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread, and oatmeal are often considered healthy, but their phosphorus content can be problematic for those with kidney issues. Too much phosphorus can build up in the blood and lead to bone and heart problems. 

It’s better to choose refined grains, like white rice or white bread, which are lower in phosphorus and easier on the kidneys. Small changes in your grain choices can have a positive impact on kidney function.


pineapple drink
Image Credits: Depositphotos/fahrwasser.

Drinking alcohol in excess can be very damaging to your kidneys. Alcohol dehydrates the body, making it harder for your kidneys to filter toxins and maintain the right balance of fluids. Over time, heavy drinking can lead to high blood pressure, a major risk factor for kidney disease. 

Limiting alcohol consumption or avoiding it altogether is one of the best ways to support healthy kidney function and prevent further damage.

Dark Leafy Greens

Swiss Chard
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are packed with nutrients, but they are also high in potassium. This isn’t usually a problem for people with healthy kidneys, but for those with impaired kidney function, the excess potassium can lead to complications. 

To keep your kidneys healthy, it’s better to limit your intake of these greens or choose lower-potassium vegetables like cabbage or lettuce. Cooking the greens before eating them can also help reduce their potassium content.

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