disgusted looking girl with hands up saying no to drink

15 Drinks You Should Avoid at All Costs

Choosing the right drinks is important for maintaining your health and well-being. While there are many options available, some beverages can be detrimental to your health due to their high sugar content, artificial ingredients, or other harmful effects. 

Avoiding these drinks can help you make better choices for your overall health. Here are 15 drinks you should steer clear of to keep yourself feeling your best.

Energy Drinks

woman drinking from bottle
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Krakenimages.com.

Energy drinks often contain high levels of caffeine and sugar, which can cause jitters, heart palpitations, and energy crashes. They also have other stimulants that can be harmful to your health. Relying on these drinks for energy is not a healthy choice. Choose healthier alternatives like herbal teas or water with a splash of lemon for a natural energy boost.

Pre-Mixed Cocktails

pineapple drink
Image Credits: Depositphotos/fahrwasser.

Pre-mixed cocktails are convenient but often contain high amounts of sugar and artificial flavors. These drinks can be loaded with calories and have little nutritional value. When enjoying alcoholic beverages, try making your own cocktails with fresh ingredients or choose simpler options like wine or spirits with a splash of water or soda.

Flavored Coffees

Starbucks Iced Coffee
Image Credits: Depositphotos/topntp.

Flavored coffees, especially those from coffee shops, often have syrups and added sugars that increase the calorie count significantly. Regularly consuming these can lead to weight gain and blood sugar spikes. Stick to black coffee or use a small amount of milk or natural sweeteners if you prefer a bit of flavor.

Sports Drinks

woman drinking juice
Image Credits: Depositphotos/AY_PHOTO.

Sports drinks are marketed as beneficial for hydration, but they often contain high levels of sugar and electrolytes that most people don’t need unless they are intensely exercising. For everyday hydration, water is usually sufficient. Save sports drinks for long, intense workouts or activities where you’re sweating heavily.

Sugary Sodas

soda in a glass
Image Credits: Depositphotos/resnick_joshua1.

Sugary sodas are packed with high amounts of sugar and empty calories. Drinking them regularly can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other health issues. The high sugar content also contributes to tooth decay. Opt for water, unsweetened teas, or sparkling water instead to keep hydrated without the added sugars.

Sweetened Iced Teas

iced tea
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

Sweetened iced teas are full of added sugars and calories. Drinking them regularly can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. Opt for unsweetened iced tea or make your own by brewing tea and adding a slice of lemon for natural flavor without the extra sugars.

Diet Sodas

woman drinking soda outside
Image Credits: Depositphotos/[email protected].

Diet sodas may be free of sugar, but they often contain artificial sweeteners and chemicals that can be harmful. Some studies suggest that diet sodas can lead to weight gain and other health problems. Choose water, herbal teas, or naturally flavored sparkling water instead.


Image Credits: Depositphotos/belchonock.

Milkshakes are delicious but loaded with sugar, calories, and often unhealthy fats. Consuming them frequently can lead to weight gain and health issues. If you’re craving something creamy, consider making a smoothie with fresh fruits, yogurt, and a bit of honey for a healthier alternative.

Store-Bought Lemonades

pink lemonade
Image Credits: Depositphotos/TeriVirbickis.

Many store-bought lemonades contain high amounts of sugar and artificial flavors. These can contribute to weight gain and other health problems. Make your own lemonade at home using fresh lemon juice, water, and a small amount of natural sweetener if needed.

Alcoholic Mixers

Woman looking grossed out drinking a green drink
Image credit: Depositphotos innovatedcaptures.

Alcoholic mixers, like sweetened fruit juices and sodas, can add a lot of sugar and empty calories to your drinks. These mixers can make cocktails more harmful than they need to be. Opt for mixers like soda water, fresh lime or lemon juice, and herbs to keep your drinks healthier.

Canned Coffee Drinks

bottles of coffee
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Rawpixel.

Canned coffee drinks often contain added sugars and artificial ingredients that can be harmful. They also tend to have more calories than a regular brewed coffee. Brew your own coffee at home and control the amount of sugar and cream you add for a healthier option.

Fruit Punches

fruit punch
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

Fruit punches often have high levels of added sugars and artificial flavors. They can be misleadingly unhealthy compared to their fruity appearance. Choose fresh fruit juices or make your own fruit-infused water for a refreshing and healthier alternative.

Sweetened Plant Milks

Image Credits: Depositphotos/alebloshka.

Sweetened plant milks, like almond or soy milk, can contain added sugars that increase the calorie count. Look for unsweetened versions to avoid extra sugars. These are still nutritious and provide a good alternative to dairy milk without the added sugars.

Bubble Teas

bubble tea
Image Credits: Depositphotos/tashka2000.

Bubble teas, also known as boba teas, often contain high amounts of sugar and calorie-laden tapioca pearls. Regularly drinking bubble tea can lead to weight gain and blood sugar issues. Choose plain teas or make your own tea with fresh fruit and minimal sweeteners.

Flavored Waters

man drinking water
Image Credits: Depositphotos/puhhha.

Flavored waters might seem like a healthy choice, but they often contain added sugars or artificial flavorings. These can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. 

Opt for plain water, or infuse it with natural flavors like cucumber, mint, or berries for a refreshing drink without extra calories.

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shocked looking at bill
Image Credits: Depositphotos/vitaliy.abbasov93.

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