woman laying on clothes looking overwhelmed

15 Items You Have That Have No Use and Should Toss Immediately

We all have items in our homes that we hold onto longer than we should. Some things don’t need to stick around, whether it’s out of habit, sentimentality, or simply forgetting they’re there. Keeping old, expired, or unnecessary items can clutter your space and even pose health risks. Holding onto items that no longer serve a purpose can make it harder to keep your home clean and organized, and in some cases, they can even be harmful. 

Regularly going through your belongings and tossing out things you don’t need can be incredibly freeing. It can give you more space, reduce stress, and make it easier to maintain a tidy environment. Here are 15 items you should toss immediately to free up space, enhance your home’s atmosphere, and even improve your overall well-being.

Expired Medicines

colorful pills
Image Credits: Depositphotos/razvanchirnoaga.

Keeping expired medicines in your cabinet can be dangerous. Not only do they lose their effectiveness over time, but they can also become harmful if taken after their expiration date. Expired medications may not work as intended, which could lead to ineffective treatment of medical conditions or, worse, potential health risks if they cause adverse reactions. 

It’s easy to forget about old prescriptions, especially if they’re tucked away in the back of a cabinet, but it’s crucial to check your medicine supply regularly. Dispose of them properly by following your local guidelines for medication disposal, such as returning them to a pharmacy or using a take-back program. Keeping only current medications ensures you’re prepared with safe and effective treatments when needed, reducing the risk of accidental misuse or complications from taking outdated drugs.

Old Makeup

woman putting on eyeshadow
Image Credits: Depositphotos/AllaSerebrina.

Makeup has a shelf life, and using it past its expiration date can lead to skin irritation or infections. Over time, bacteria can grow in old makeup, especially in products like mascara, foundation, or lip gloss, which come into direct contact with your skin and eyes regularly. If you continue to use expired products, you risk introducing these bacteria to your skin, leading to breakouts, rashes, or even more serious infections. 

If you can’t remember when you bought a particular makeup item, it’s probably time to toss it. Regularly decluttering your makeup bag and replacing old products with fresh ones improves your skin’s health and ensures that your makeup applies smoothly and looks its best. Fresh products will work better, providing you with better coverage and a more polished look and keeping your skin healthier and free from potential infections.

Worn-Out Shoes

old worn out shoes
Image Credits: Depositphotos/eric1513.

Worn-out shoes may feel comfortable, but they can cause serious problems for your feet, legs, and overall posture. Old shoes often lose their support and cushioning, which are essential for maintaining proper alignment and reducing the strain on your joints and muscles. As the soles wear down and the materials break down, you may find that your shoes no longer provide the stability and protection they once did, increasing the risk of foot pain, blisters, or even injuries like sprains. 

If your shoes have holes, worn soles, or are misshapen, it’s time to let them go and replace them with a new pair that offers the proper support. Investing in a new pair will provide better support and comfort, improving your overall well-being and preventing unnecessary discomfort or injury. Plus, wearing shoes that are in good condition can boost your confidence and make you feel more put-together, whether you’re heading to work, the gym, or just out for a walk.

Expired Pantry Items

woman with honey smiling in pantry
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Valerii_Honcharuk.

We all have that jar of spices or can of soup that’s been sitting in the pantry for years, but expired food items are not just unappetizing—they can also pose a serious health risk if consumed. Over time, food loses its nutritional value, flavor, and texture, making it less enjoyable and potentially unsafe to eat. Expired items may harbor bacteria, mold, or other contaminants that can lead to foodborne illness. 

Check the expiration dates on your pantry items regularly and toss anything that’s past its prime. This includes obvious items like canned goods and dried foods, spices, and condiments that may have lost their potency. A clean and organized pantry with fresh ingredients makes meal prep easier, safer, and more enjoyable. It allows you to cook with confidence, knowing that your ingredients are still good. Plus, it frees up space for new, exciting ingredients that can inspire you to try new recipes and enjoy cooking even more.

Stretched-Out Hair Ties

hair bands
Image Credits: Depositphotos/dnaumoid.

Hair ties that have lost their elasticity don’t do much good and can lead to frustration when trying to style your hair. When a hair tie no longer has the tension to hold your hair securely, it can slip, break, or fail to keep your hairstyle in place, leading to repeated adjustments throughout the day. If your hair ties are stretched out, frayed, or breaking, it’s time to toss them and replace them with new ones. 

Holding onto damaged hair ties can clutter your bathroom drawer or makeup bag, making it harder to find the ones that actually work. Keeping a few reliable hair ties on hand ensures you can always style your hair without the hassle, saving you time and reducing the stress of dealing with hair that won’t stay put. Plus, new hair ties are more gentle on your hair, reducing the risk of breakage or damage caused by worn-out elastic.

Broken Electronics

broken remote
Image Credits: Depositphotos/HayDmitriy.

Old electronics that no longer work or that you haven’t used in years are just taking up valuable space in your home. Whether it’s an outdated phone, a broken remote, or a faulty charger, these items often end up in a drawer or closet, forgotten and unused. Broken electronics not only create unnecessary clutter, but they can also pose environmental hazards if not disposed of properly. 

Electronics contain materials like batteries, heavy metals, and chemicals that can harm the environment if thrown out with regular trash. Instead of letting these items gather dust, consider recycling them through an e-waste recycling program or donating them if they’re still functional. Proper electronics disposal is better for the environment, reducing e-waste and freeing up space in your home for things you need and use. Plus, getting rid of broken or unused electronics can help you stay organized and make your living space feel cleaner and more efficient.

Expired Cleaning Supplies

confused woman with cleaning supplies
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Krakenimages.com.

Cleaning supplies don’t last forever, and using expired products may not give you the results you expect or need. Over time, the active ingredients in cleaners can break down, making them less effective at killing germs, cutting through grime, or leaving surfaces sparkling clean. Using ineffective cleaning products can leave your home less hygienic, potentially exposing you to bacteria, mold, or other harmful substances that you thought you were eliminating. Check the labels on your cleaning products and toss anything that’s past its expiration date. 

Fresh supplies will help you keep your home cleaner and more hygienic, ensuring that you’re actually doing the job right when you clean. This keeps your home looking its best and provides peace of mind, knowing that your environment is truly clean and safe for you and your family. Moreover, replacing old cleaning products with eco-friendly options can also contribute to a healthier home and planet.

Old Magazines and Newspapers

Image Credits: Depositphotos/serezniy.

Stacks of old magazines and newspapers can quickly become a source of clutter, taking up valuable space in your home and creating a messy, disorganized appearance. While it’s fine to keep a few for sentimental reasons or because they contain information you want to refer to, most of them can be recycled once you’ve read them. 

Magazines and newspapers are often kept with the intention of going back to them, but if you haven’t looked at them in months or years, it’s probably time to let them go. Recycle what you can, and consider going digital to reduce paper waste and keep your space clutter-free. A clutter-free space is easier to keep clean, making your home feel more organized, spacious, and serene. Letting go of these old papers also reduces the risk of fire hazards, dust buildup, and allergens, contributing to a healthier living environment.

Outdated Tupperware

meal prep
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Caymia.

Tupperware and other food storage containers that are stained, warped, or missing lids aren’t doing you any favors. Old containers can lose their ability to seal properly, leading to food spoilage or leaks in your fridge or lunch bag. Additionally, worn-out plastics can harbor bacteria, absorb odors, or leach chemicals into your food, making them unsafe to use. Toss out the pieces that are no longer in good condition and invest in a new set that’s free from stains, cracks, and warping. 

A well-organized collection of food storage containers makes storing leftovers, meal prep, and keeping your kitchen tidy easier. Your kitchen will be more organized, and your food will stay fresher in proper storage, reducing food waste and ensuring that your meals taste as good as they should. Plus, choosing high-quality, BPA-free containers can improve the safety and longevity of your food storage.

Expired Sunscreen

woman with sunscreen
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bernardbodo.

Sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, but it loses its effectiveness over time. Using expired sunscreen can leave you vulnerable to sunburns, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. The active ingredients in sunscreen break down over time, meaning that an expired bottle may not provide the protection it claims. 

Check the expiration date on your bottles, and toss any past their prime or exposed to extreme temperatures, such as being left in a hot car. Fresh sunscreen ensures you’re properly protected when you’re out in the sun, giving you peace of mind whether you’re heading to the beach, going for a hike, or just spending time outdoors. Investing in a new bottle each season is a small price to pay for the assurance that your skin is fully protected against the sun’s harmful effects.

Old Towels

Image Credits: Depositphotos/OceanProd.

Towels that are threadbare, stained, or smelly should be replaced, as they’re less effective at drying you off and can also harbor bacteria and mold. Over time, towels lose their absorbency and softness, making them less pleasant to use and less efficient at getting the job done. If your towels are no longer soft and fluffy or have lingering odors even after washing, it’s time to toss them and invest in new ones. 

Old towels can also be repurposed as cleaning rags or donated to animal shelters, where they can be put to good use. New towels will not only look better in your bathroom, enhancing the overall appearance of the space, but they will also provide a more pleasant and hygienic drying experience. Fresh towels are a small luxury that can make your daily routine feel more refreshing and comfortable.

Unused Kitchen Gadgets

woman cooking on stovetop
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Ariwasabi.

We all have that one kitchen gadget we thought we’d use but never did, whether it’s a specialty tool, an appliance, or a novelty item. If your drawers are full of unused tools, it’s time to clear them out and reclaim that valuable kitchen space. Many gadgets end up gathering dust because they’re either too specific, too complicated to use, or simply not as practical as we thought they’d be. 

Removing unnecessary gadgets will free up space in your kitchen, making it easier to find and use the tools you need and enjoy using. A decluttered kitchen is more efficient and enjoyable to cook in, as you’ll have more room to work and less time spent searching for the right tool. Plus, donating or selling unused gadgets can give them a new life in someone else’s kitchen, reducing waste and spreading the joy of cooking.

Expired Coupons

woman shopping with coupon
Image Credits: Depositphotos/billiondigital.

Coupons are great for saving money, but keeping expired ones only adds to your clutter and creates unnecessary frustration when you realize they’re no longer valid. Go through your stash of coupons regularly and toss out any that are expired or for products you no longer buy.

This will make it easier to find and use the still good ones, helping you stay organized and maximize your savings without the mess. Keeping your coupons organized in a binder or a dedicated section of your wallet can make them more accessible and easier to manage, ensuring that you actually use them before they expire. Staying on top of your coupons saves you money and reduces the stress and disappointment of trying to redeem an expired deal.

Broken Jewelry

Broken Jewelry
Image Credits: Depositphotos/gitanna.

Jewelry that’s broken or missing pieces often sits in a drawer, forgotten and unused, but holding onto it doesn’t do you any favors. Broken jewelry can’t be worn; unless you plan to repair it soon, it’s just taking up space and creating clutter. If you haven’t gotten around to fixing it, it’s probably time to let it go.

Consider selling or donating pieces that are still valuable or recycling the materials if possible. Clearing out broken or unworn jewelry will make room for pieces you actually wear and enjoy, allowing you to better appreciate and organize your collection. Plus, getting rid of these items can simplify your life by reducing decision fatigue when choosing accessories, making it easier to find and wear the pieces you love.

Old Receipts and Bills

woman with bills
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Elnur_ .

Receipts and bills can pile up quickly, especially if you’re not diligent about organizing them, creating a cluttered and overwhelming mess. While keeping records for tax purposes or future reference is important, most receipts and bills can be tossed after a certain period, especially if they’re not related to major purchases or important transactions. 

Shred any sensitive documents to protect your personal information, and dispose of old papers that are no longer needed. Going digital with your records can also reduce physical clutter and make it easier to manage your finances. Keeping only what you need will help you stay organized, reduce stress, and create a more streamlined and efficient living space. Plus, a clean and organized home office or workspace can improve your productivity and peace of mind, allowing you to focus on the tasks that truly matter.

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