surprised looking woman holding groceries

15 Foods You Should Never Buy at Walmart

Walmart is known for its convenience and low prices, but when it comes to food, only some things on the shelves are worth your money. Some items seem like a great deal, but they can be lower in quality, less fresh, or even more expensive in the long run. 

From produce to pantry staples, certain foods are better bought elsewhere. Here’s a list of 15 foods you should think twice about before adding to your cart at Walmart.

Fresh Produce

fresh vegetables
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Almaje.

Walmart’s fresh produce section often leaves much to be desired. While the prices might seem appealing, the quality of the fruits and vegetables can be inconsistent. Many shoppers report finding bruised, overripe, or moldy items on the shelves. 

The produce might not be as fresh as at a local grocery store or farmers market, meaning it could spoil faster once you bring it home. To ensure you’re getting the freshest, most flavorful fruits and veggies, it’s worth checking out other stores prioritizing quality over quantity.

Meat and Poultry

raw chicken on a board
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bit245.

Regarding meat and poultry, Walmart’s offerings might not be the best choice for quality-conscious shoppers. The meat can sometimes appear discolored or have an off smell, raising concerns about its freshness. Walmart’s lower prices often mean that the meat is sourced from suppliers focused on cost-cutting, which can result in lower-quality products. 

The cuts of meat might be smaller or contain more fat and gristle than what you’d find at a local butcher or a higher-end grocery store. It’s often worth paying a little more at a trusted butcher for better quality and peace of mind.


fish tacos
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

Seafood is another area where Walmart needs help to deliver high quality. Whether it’s frozen or fresh, the seafood selection often lacks the freshness and flavor you’d expect. The fish can sometimes have a strong, unpleasant odor, indicating that it’s not as fresh as it should be. 

Walmart’s seafood is often farmed rather than wild-caught, which can be less nutritious and hurt the environment. If you’re looking for fresh, sustainable seafood, it’s better to shop at a store known for its quality and responsible sourcing practices.

Dairy Products

sliced cheese
Image Credits: Depositphotos/lisaaMC.

Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are staples in many households, but Walmart’s selection might not be the best choice. The store’s private-label dairy products are often made with lower-quality ingredients, resulting in a taste and texture that doesn’t compare to other brands. 

The expiration dates on dairy items at Walmart can sometimes be closer than expected, meaning you’ll need to consume them quickly to avoid spoilage. For better taste and longer shelf life, consider purchasing your dairy products from a store with a reputation for freshness and quality.

Organic Foods

hands full of cherries
Image Credits: Depositphotos/[email protected].

In recent years, Walmart has expanded its selection of organic foods, but many shoppers find that the quality doesn’t always match the price. The store’s private-label organic products are often sourced from suppliers who prioritize cost over quality, leading to a product that might not taste as good or be as nutritious as other brands. 

The store’s focus on low prices means that the organic foods might not be as fresh, especially regarding produce. For truly fresh and high-quality organic foods, it’s worth shopping at a store specializing in organic products.

Bakery Items

cheese danish pastry
Image Credits: Depositphotos/MSPhotographic.

Walmart’s bakery section might be convenient, but the quality of the baked goods can be hit or miss. Many items are mass-produced and shipped in from central bakeries, meaning they lack the freshness and flavor of items baked on-site. 

The ingredients used in Walmart’s bakery items are often lower quality, leading to products that might taste overly sweet or artificial. If you’re looking for fresh, delicious baked goods, consider visiting a local bakery where the items are made from scratch using high-quality ingredients.

Pre-Packaged Deli Meats

deli meats
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Nalga.

Pre-packaged deli meats at Walmart might be convenient, but they often need more quality. These meats are typically loaded with preservatives, sodium, and artificial flavors to extend their shelf life, resulting in a less healthy and flavorful product than freshly sliced deli meats. 

The texture of pre-packaged deli meats can be rubbery or slimy, making them less enjoyable to eat. For a better sandwich experience, consider buying your deli meats from a store where they’re sliced fresh to order.

Canned Goods

canned beans
Image Credits: Depositphotos/HandmadePicture.

While canned goods are a pantry staple, Walmart’s selection might not be the best place to stock up. The store’s private-label canned goods are often made with lower-quality ingredients, resulting in a product that might not taste as good as other brands. 

Some canned goods at Walmart can be more expensive than similar items at other stores, making it worth comparing prices before you buy. For better quality and value, it’s often worth shopping around for your canned goods at other retailers.

Snack Foods

bag of chips
Image Credits: Depositphotos/ jirkaejc.

Walmart’s snack food aisle is filled with tempting treats, but many of them are loaded with artificial ingredients, preservatives, and unhealthy fats. The store’s private-label snacks might be cheaper, but they often lack the taste and quality of other brands. 

Many of the snack foods at Walmart are highly processed, meaning they’re not the healthiest choice for regular consumption. If you’re looking for snacks that taste great and are better for you, it’s worth exploring options at other stores that offer healthier, more natural alternatives.

Frozen Meals

frozen meal
Image Credits: Depositphotos/kelpfish.

Frozen meals can be quick and convenient, but Walmart’s selection might not be the best choice for those looking for quality and nutrition. Many of Walmart’s frozen meals are highly processed and loaded with sodium, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients. 

The portion sizes can also be smaller than expected, leaving you unsatisfied. For a healthier and more satisfying meal, consider preparing your own freezer-friendly dishes at home or shopping for frozen meals at stores known for offering higher-quality options.

Packaged Breads

sliced white bread
Image Credits: Depositphotos/mcgphoto.

Packaged breads at Walmart might be cheap, but they often contain preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, and other additives that can affect the taste and texture. The bread can also be less fresh than what you’d find at a bakery or a store with a better selection of freshly baked goods. 

The texture of Walmart’s packaged breads can be overly soft or dry, making them less enjoyable to eat. For a better-tasting loaf, it’s worth visiting a bakery or a store that offers a wider selection of freshly baked bread.


bowls of sugary cereal
Image Credits: Depositphotos/ jirkaejc.

Cereal is a breakfast staple, but Walmart’s selection might not be the best choice for health-conscious shoppers. Many cereals on Walmart’s shelves are loaded with sugar, artificial colors, and flavors, making them less nutritious than they appear. 

Walmart’s private-label cereals might be cheaper, but they often lack the taste and quality of other brands. If you’re looking for a healthier breakfast option, consider buying your cereal from a store that offers a wider selection of whole grain, low-sugar options.

Bottled Water

woman drinking bottled water
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Wavebreakmedia.

Bottled water might seem simple, but Walmart’s selection might not be the best choice for your wallet or the environment. The store’s private-label bottled water is often sourced from municipal water supplies and might not be as pure as you’d expect.

The plastic bottles can contribute to environmental waste, especially if they’re not recycled properly. Consider investing in a water filter and reusable bottles for a more sustainable and cost-effective option.

Baby Formula

Powdered Milk
Image Credits: Depositphotos/HandmadePicture.

Baby formula is essential for many parents, but Walmart’s selection might not be the best choice for your baby’s nutrition. The store’s private-label formulas can be cheaper, but they might not contain the same quality ingredients as other brands. 

Some parents have reported that their babies experience digestive issues or allergic reactions when using Walmart’s formula. For peace of mind and your baby’s health, it’s worth investing in a trusted brand pediatricians recommend.


brew coffee
Image Credits: Depositphotos/robertprzybysz.

Coffee lovers might skip Walmart’s selection and head to a specialty store instead. The coffee sold at Walmart is often mass-produced and lacks the freshness and flavor of beans sourced from high-quality roasters.

The store’s private-label coffee might be cheaper, but it often contains lower-quality beans, resulting in a less satisfying cup of coffee. For a truly enjoyable coffee experience, it’s worth spending a little extra on freshly roasted beans from a reputable source.

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