thumbs down with sushi

15 Foods You Should Avoid Ordering at a Restaurant

Eating out can be a delightful experience, but sometimes restaurant menus have dishes that aren’t worth your time or money. Some foods may not be as fresh, might be overpriced, or simply not up to standard. 

To help you make better choices next time you dine out, here are 15 foods you might want to skip. These dishes are often disappointing, and avoiding them can lead to a more enjoyable meal. Here’s what to watch out for when dining at a restaurant.

Buffalo Wings

Buffalo Wings
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

Buffalo wings might sound tempting, but they’re often a letdown at many restaurants. These wings can be overcooked, leaving them dry and tough. In some places, they might use cheap, frozen wings rather than fresh ones. 

The sauces can be too spicy or not well-balanced. If you’re craving wings, it’s better to go for a place known for doing them right. Otherwise, you might end up with a plate of regret.

Fish Tacos

fish tacos
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

Fish tacos can be a delicious choice, but they’re often not the best option on a menu. Many restaurants use fish that’s been frozen or poorly prepared, leading to a bland or fishy taste. The tacos can be disappointing if the fish isn’t fresh or well-seasoned. 

The combination of ingredients might not always be balanced. If you’re not at a restaurant known for their seafood, you might want to avoid fish tacos.

Cheeseburger with Extra Toppings

woman holding burger
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Mvelishchuk.

A cheeseburger with many extra toppings can sound exciting, but it’s often not a great choice. Adding too many toppings can overwhelm the flavors of the burger itself.

The burger might come out messy and complicated to eat, and the quality of the meat can be lost among the extra ingredients. It’s usually better to keep it simple with just a few well-chosen toppings to ensure a better overall taste.

Vegetarian Pizza

vegetable pizza
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Mohamed.salem.

Vegetarian pizza can be hit or miss depending on the restaurant. Often, the vegetables used can be undercooked or not seasoned well, leading to a bland pizza. Some places might skimp on the cheese or use a low-quality crust. 

The lack of meat can make the pizza feel less satisfying, especially if the toppings aren’t fresh or flavorful. For a more enjoyable pizza experience, it’s sometimes better to choose a pizza with a balance of toppings.

Lamb Chops

lamb chops
Image Credits: Depositphotos/amikphoto.

Lamb chops can be a fancy option, but they’re not always worth ordering. Many restaurants overcook them, making the meat tough and chewy. The seasoning might be too strong or not well balanced, masking the natural flavor of the lamb. 

Lamb chops can be expensive and might not be worth the cost if they’re not prepared properly. If you’re not at a high-end restaurant known for its lamb, you might want to skip this dish.

Pasta with Alfredo Sauce

Pasta Alfredo
Image Credits: Depositphotos/alisafarov .

Pasta with Alfredo sauce can be rich and heavy, often disappointing. Many restaurants use an overly creamy sauce that lacks depth of flavor. The pasta itself can sometimes be overcooked or too soft. 

The sauce can taste bland and artificial if it isn’t made fresh. For a better pasta experience, consider choosing a dish with a lighter sauce or a different type of preparation.

Grilled Chicken Salad

Grilled Chicken Salad
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Shaiith79.

Grilled chicken salad might seem healthy, but it can be underwhelming. Often, the chicken is overcooked and dry, and the salad ingredients might be basic and uninspired. If the salad isn’t made fresh or lacks a variety of textures and flavors, it can end up being quite boring. 

The dressing might also be too bland or overly oily. Look for salads with fresh, vibrant ingredients and well-prepared proteins for a better meal.

Sushi Rolls

Woman holding a piece of sushi with her thumbs pointing down
Image Credit: Depositphotos

Sushi rolls can be a gamble, especially if the restaurant isn’t known for its sushi. The quality of the fish might be questionable, and the rolls can be made with low-quality ingredients. Sushi that’s not fresh can have an off-putting taste or texture. 

The rolls might be overly complicated with too many ingredients, leading to a muddled flavor. If you’re craving sushi, it’s best to choose a restaurant with a good reputation for freshness.

Steak with a Fancy Sauce

Image Credits: Depositphotos/magone.

A steak with a fancy sauce might sound appealing, but it can often mask the quality of the meat. The sauce can’t save the steak if it is not well-cooked or of poor quality. Many restaurants use overly salty sauces or don’t complement the steak well. 

The sauce can also be too heavy, overshadowing the natural flavor of the beef. For a better steak experience, opt for a simple preparation that highlights the meat’s quality.

Seafood Pasta

Seafood Pasta
Image Credits: Depositphotos/somegirl.

Seafood pasta can be a letdown if the seafood isn’t fresh. Often, the seafood used might be overcooked or not well-seasoned. The pasta itself might be undercooked or not properly flavored. 

The combination of seafood and pasta can sometimes be mismatched, leading to an unbalanced dish. This dish might not be the best choice if the restaurant isn’t known for its seafood or pasta.

Crispy Chicken Sandwich

Crispy Chicken Sandwich
Image Credits: Depositphotos/bhofack2.

A crispy chicken sandwich might sound like a safe choice, but it’s often not as great as it seems. The chicken can be overly greasy or lack flavor, and the breading might be too thick. Many restaurants use frozen chicken patties, which can be dry and tasteless. 

The sandwich might also be poorly assembled, leading to a messy eating experience. For a better sandwich, look for places that focus on fresh, high-quality ingredients.

French Dip Sandwich

French Dip
Image Credits: Depositphotos/ezumeimages.

The French dip sandwich can be disappointing if the beef isn’t tender or well-seasoned. Often, the beef is overcooked and dry, and the au jus (dipping sauce) can be too salty or bland. 

The bread might be soggy or not fresh, making the overall experience less enjoyable. If the sandwich isn’t made with high-quality ingredients, it can end up being a soggy, flavorless mess. Consider opting for a different type of sandwich for a more satisfying meal.

Mac and Cheese

Macaroni and Cheese
Image Credits: Depositphotos/MSPhotographic.

Mac and cheese can be a comforting dish, but it’s often a letdown at restaurants. Many places use pre-made cheese sauce that tastes artificial or lacks depth. The pasta might be overcooked, and the dish can be too creamy or greasy. 

Some restaurants add unnecessary ingredients that don’t complement the mac and cheese, making it feel more like a gimmick than a satisfying meal. For a better experience, look for restaurants that make their mac and cheese from scratch with quality ingredients.

Chicken Alfredo

Pasta with Alfredo Sauce
Image Credits: Depositphotos/belchonock.

Chicken Alfredo is a popular dish, but it can often be disappointing in restaurants. The chicken might be overcooked and dry, and the Alfredo sauce can be overly heavy and lacking in flavor. 

The pasta might not be cooked well, leading to a bland, mushy dish. If the sauce isn’t made fresh, it can taste artificial or overly creamy. For a more enjoyable meal, consider choosing a pasta dish with a lighter, more flavorful sauce.


Image Credits: Depositphotos/fotek.

Quiche might seem like a sophisticated option, but it can be a letdown if not prepared properly. Many restaurants use pre-made crusts and fillings that lack freshness and flavor. The eggs in the quiche can be overcooked, resulting in a dry texture. 

The filling might be bland or not well-seasoned, making the quiche feel like a missed opportunity. For a better quiche experience, look for places that make it from scratch with fresh, high-quality ingredients.

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$5 bill under a whiskey glass for a tip
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Man unhappy eating food at a restaurant
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