Happy brunette beautiful woman touching long curly healthy hair

15 Foods That Will Make Your Hair Healthier and Stronger

Having strong, healthy hair is something many people strive for, but it’s not just about the products you use—it’s also about what you eat. A balanced diet full of nutrients can greatly improve the health, shine, and strength of your hair. The right foods can nourish your hair from the inside out, giving it the vitamins and minerals it needs to grow thicker and healthier. Below are 15 foods that can help improve the health of your hair, keeping it strong, shiny, and full of life.


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Eggs are an excellent source of protein and biotin, both of which are essential for hair health. Protein helps repair damaged hair and promote growth, while biotin supports the production of keratin, the protein that makes up your hair. A biotin deficiency can lead to hair thinning or loss, so including eggs in your diet can help prevent that.

Eggs are easy to add to your meals in various ways, whether scrambled, boiled, or in an omelet. The yolk also contains healthy fats, which can keep your hair moisturized. Overall, eggs are a hair-boosting powerhouse.


spinach in a bowl
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Dionisvera.

Spinach is packed with iron, which is crucial for hair growth as it helps red blood cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles. It’s also rich in vitamin A, which helps produce sebum, the natural oil that moisturizes the scalp and keeps hair shiny. A lack of iron can lead to hair loss, so including spinach in your diet can help prevent that.

This leafy green is also full of other hair-friendly nutrients like folate and vitamin C. Add spinach to salads, and smoothies, or sauté it as a side dish. Its nutrient-rich profile makes it great for healthy, strong hair.


fresh raw salmon on wooden cutting board
Image Credits: Depositphotos/magone

Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which promote hair growth by keeping the scalp healthy and hydrated. Omega-3s also reduce inflammation, which can sometimes slow down hair growth. Salmon is also rich in protein, selenium, and vitamin D, all of which contribute to the strength and vitality of your hair.

Regularly eating salmon can help improve hair density and reduce breakage. Grill, bake or pan-fry it for a nutritious and tasty meal. Omega-3s from salmon give your hair a natural shine and improve overall texture.


Healthy food, fresh ripe hass avocado fruit from Peru
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Avocados are full of healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fats, which help keep your hair soft and moisturized. They are also a great source of vitamin E, which promotes hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting your hair from damage caused by environmental stressors.

You can mash avocados into a spread for toast or add them to salads and smoothies. The creamy texture and rich nutrients of avocados can also be used in hair masks for extra hydration. Avocados are a delicious way to nourish your hair from the inside out.


Mixed nut background. Cashews, almonds and pistachios. Concept of healthy eating.
Image Credits: Depositphotos/DmitryRukhlenko

Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and Brazil nuts are loaded with healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that support hair health. They are particularly rich in vitamin E, which helps protect hair from damage and encourages growth. Nuts also contain biotin, zinc, and B vitamins, all of which are important for preventing hair loss and promoting thicker hair.

A small handful of nuts makes for a great snack or can be added to oatmeal or salads. The combination of nutrients in nuts helps keep hair shiny and strong. Nuts are an easy and tasty way to improve hair health.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes in wooden box
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Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for producing sebum, the natural oil that keeps your scalp and hair moisturized. Sweet potatoes also provide antioxidants that protect hair from damage caused by free radicals.

Adding sweet potatoes into your diet can help reduce hair breakage and make your hair appear shinier. Bake or roast them as a side dish or add them to soups and stews. The nutrients in sweet potatoes work to keep your hair nourished and healthy.

Greek Yogurt

plain greek yogurt
Image Credits: Depositphotos/magone .

Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein, which is the building block of your hair. It also contains vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which improves blood flow to the scalp and helps with hair growth. The probiotics in Greek yogurt can also support a healthy scalp by maintaining a good balance of bacteria.

You can enjoy Greek yogurt as a snack with fruits or add it to smoothies for extra creaminess. It’s a simple and versatile food that can give your hair the nutrients it needs to stay strong. The protein and vitamins in Greek yogurt can prevent thinning and promote thicker hair.


lines of berries
Image Credits: Depositphotos/anabgd.

Berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, which support healthy hair growth by protecting hair follicles from damage. Vitamin C also helps the body produce collagen, a protein that strengthens the hair and prevents breakage.

Berries are also high in water content, which helps keep your scalp hydrated. Add them to your breakfast or eat them as a snack for a sweet, nutritious boost. Their vibrant color and juicy texture make them a great addition to your diet. Berries are a delicious way to protect your hair from damage.


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Oats are full of fiber, zinc, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which support healthy hair growth. The nutrients in oats help improve circulation to the scalp, ensuring that your hair gets the oxygen and nutrients it needs to grow. Oats also contain B vitamins, which help reduce hair loss and keep hair strong.

Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal topped with fruits and nuts for a nutritious meal that promotes hair health. Oats are easy to prepare and packed with the nutrients your hair desires. They’re a simple but effective addition to a hair-boosting diet.


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Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, an essential nutrient for maintaining a healthy scalp. Vitamin A helps produce sebum, which keeps your hair moisturized and prevents dryness and breakage. Carrots also contain antioxidants that protect hair from damage caused by free radicals.

Snack on raw carrots, add them to salads or roast them for a tasty side dish. Carrots are an easy way to support hair growth and maintain scalp health. Their nutrient-packed profile makes them a great food for promoting shiny, strong hair.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds
Image Credits: Depositphotos/olgamanukyan.

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc, which helps maintain a healthy scalp and encourages hair growth. Zinc deficiency is often linked to hair thinning and loss, so adding pumpkin seeds to your diet can help prevent these issues. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which hydrate the scalp and improve hair texture.

Sprinkle pumpkin seeds on salads, oatmeal, or yogurt for a crunchy, nutritious boost. These tiny seeds are packed with nutrients that can make a big difference in your hair’s health. Pumpkin seeds are a convenient and tasty way to improve hair strength.

Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Baloncici.

Bell peppers are rich in vitamin C, which is crucial for collagen production and maintaining hair strength. Vitamin C also helps with iron absorption, preventing hair loss caused by iron deficiency. Red, yellow, and green bell peppers are colorful and add a natural sweetness to dishes, making them easy to incorporate into your diet.

Add them to stir-fries, and salads, or eat them raw as a snack. Their high vitamin C content helps keep your hair thick and healthy. Bell peppers are a vibrant and nutrient-dense addition to your meals for better hair health.


Image Credits: Depositphotos/Luisecheverriurrea.

Lentils are a plant-based source of protein, iron, and folic acid, all essential for hair growth and strength. Iron supports the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the scalp, helping hair follicles stay healthy. Folic acid plays a role in the renewal of cells that promote hair growth.

Lentils are easy to add to soups, stews, or salads and provide a nutrient-dense meal. They are particularly beneficial for vegetarians who may need extra plant-based protein. Lentils are an affordable and versatile way to support healthy hair growth.


Raw chicken breasts on wooden cutting board.
Image Credits: Freepik/jcomp

Chicken is a great source of lean protein, which helps repair and build hair tissues. It also contains B vitamins like niacin and riboflavin, which improve circulation to the scalp, ensuring hair follicles get the nutrients they need. Including chicken in your meals can strengthen your hair and prevent breakage.

Grill, roast, or add it to salads and soups for a satisfying and protein-packed meal. The nutrients in chicken are essential for maintaining hair strength and growth. Regularly eating lean protein like chicken can make a big difference in hair health.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fresh fruits
Image Credits: Depositphotos/xura

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are high in vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production and strengthening hair. Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron, preventing hair thinning caused by iron deficiency. Add citrus fruits to your diet by drinking fresh juice or eating them whole as a snack.

Their refreshing taste and high water content also keep you hydrated, which is important for maintaining a healthy scalp. Citrus fruits are a bright and flavorful way to boost hair health. Their nutrients keep your hair strong, shiny, and full of life.

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