woman upset in grocery store hand on head

15 Common Foods That Are Getting Too Expensive to Buy

With rising inflation and supply chain disruptions, many common foods are now more expensive than ever. From pantry staples to fresh produce, the cost of feeding a family is increasing, making it challenging to stick to a budget.

Knowing which items are becoming pricier can help you adjust your shopping habits and find alternatives. Here are 15 everyday foods that are seeing significant price hikes.


confused woman with avocado
Image Credits: Depositphotos Krakenimages.com.

Avocados, once a trendy and affordable addition to meals, have become much more expensive. This is due to factors like droughts in key growing regions and increased demand. Many people love avocados for their healthy fats and versatility in dishes, but the rising costs are making it harder to enjoy them regularly. 

Whether you spread it on toast or add it to salads, the price increase is noticeable. For those who rely on avocados for their health benefits, the cost is a growing concern. Finding substitutes or cutting back on this once-budget-friendly fruit is becoming necessary.

Orange Juice

Immune-Boosting Apple Orange Carrot Juice
image credit: foodsharingvegan.com

Orange juice, a breakfast staple, has seen a sharp increase in price. Poor weather conditions in citrus-growing regions and diseases affecting orange trees have reduced supply. Many families start their day with a glass of orange juice, but the rising cost is forcing some to reconsider. 

The price hike is especially challenging for households with children, who often enjoy juice with breakfast. Alternatives like apple juice are also seeing price increases, leaving few affordable options. Orange juice, once an essential part of breakfast, is now becoming a luxury.


ugly tomato
Image Credits: Depositphotos/ccotaphoto.

Tomatoes are a key ingredient in many dishes, from salads to sauces, but they’re getting more expensive. Issues like extreme weather and higher transportation costs have impacted their price. Fresh tomatoes, in particular, are becoming a costly addition to meals, making it harder to enjoy them as often. 

Some people are turning to canned or dried tomatoes as cheaper alternatives, but the quality isn’t always the same. The rising cost of tomatoes is a big concern for those who love cooking with fresh ingredients. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to justify the expense.


Image Credits: Depositphotos/MSeN.

Bananas, a favorite snack and smoothie ingredient, are also seeing a price increase. Factors like disease affecting banana crops and rising transportation costs are contributing to the higher prices. 

Bananas are often a go-to fruit for families because they’re usually affordable and easy to find, but that’s changing. The price hike is particularly hard on households that rely on bananas as a healthy, budget-friendly snack. Some are switching to other fruits, but bananas’ convenience and taste are hard to replace. This once-cheap fruit is no longer as wallet-friendly.

Peanut Butter

peanuts and peanut butter in a bowl
Image Credits: Depositphotos/jirkaejc.

Peanut butter, a pantry staple for many households, has become more expensive. The cost of peanuts has risen due to droughts and increased farming expenses. Peanut butter is a versatile food used in sandwiches, snacks, and even baking, so the price hike is widely felt.

For families with children, the rising cost of peanut butter is especially challenging since it’s a popular and nutritious snack. Some are switching to other spreads like almond or sunflower seed butter, but these options can be even more costly. Peanut butter is no longer the budget-friendly item it once was.


Image Credits: Depositphotos/AntonMatyukha.

Lettuce, a key ingredient in salads and sandwiches, has become significantly more expensive. Extreme weather conditions in major growing regions have affected the supply, driving up prices. Many people enjoy lettuce as part of a healthy diet, but the cost increase makes it harder to afford. 

The rising price of lettuce is particularly challenging for those who eat salads regularly. Some are switching to cheaper greens like spinach or kale, but these alternatives can also be pricey. Lettuce, once a staple in many households, is becoming a luxury item.


confused woman holding apple
Image Credits: Depositphotos/luismolinero.

Apples, a popular fruit for snacking and baking, are also becoming more costly. Factors like poor harvests and rising transportation costs are driving the price increase. Apples are often a go-to fruit for families because they’re usually affordable and available year-round, but that’s changing. 

The rising cost is a concern for those who rely on apples as a healthy, budget-friendly snack. Some are turning to less expensive fruits, but apples’ versatility and taste are hard to beat. This once-reliable fruit is now pricier than ever.


Greek Yogurt
Image Credits: Depositphotos/Nadianb.

Yogurt, a staple in many diets, has become more expensive due to the rising cost of dairy products. Higher feed and labor costs for dairy farmers are being passed on to consumers, making yogurt less affordable. Yogurt is popular for its health benefits and versatility, used in everything from breakfast to desserts. 

However, the price increase is forcing some people to cut back or switch to alternatives like plant-based yogurt, which can also be costly. The rising cost of yogurt is making it harder to enjoy this once-budget-friendly food.


dark chocolate pieces
Image Credits: Depositphotos/HandmadePicture.

Chocolate, a favorite treat for many, is also seeing a price increase. Factors like poor cocoa harvests and rising production costs are driving the higher prices. Whether it’s for baking, snacking, or special occasions, chocolate is becoming more expensive to enjoy. 

The price hike is particularly noticeable for higher-quality chocolate, which is often used in desserts and gifts. Some are switching to less expensive treats, but chocolate lovers find it hard to replace. This once-affordable indulgence is now a more costly pleasure.

Potato Chips

bag of chips
Image Credits: Depositphotos/ jirkaejc.

Potato chips, a popular snack food, have also become more expensive. The rising cost of potatoes and production expenses like labor and transportation are driving up prices. Potato chips are often a go-to snack for families, especially for parties and gatherings, but the price increase is noticeable. 

The cost hike is particularly challenging for those who enjoy chips regularly or buy them in bulk. Some are turning to other snacks, but potato chips’ convenience and taste are hard to match. This once-cheap snack is now more expensive than ever.

Canned Soup

canned soup
Image Credits: Depositphotos/blindaseyelook.

Canned soup, a convenient meal option, has also seen a price increase. Rising costs for ingredients, packaging, and transportation are all contributing to the higher prices. Canned soup is a popular choice for busy households because it’s quick and easy, but the cost hike is making it less affordable. 

The rising price is especially tough for those who rely on canned soup for budget-friendly meals. Some are switching to homemade soups, but this requires more time and effort. Canned soup, once a reliable pantry staple, is now more costly.


Image Credits: Depositphotos/Alexstar.

Oranges, a common fruit for snacking and juicing, are also becoming more expensive. Issues like poor weather and diseases affecting citrus crops are driving up the price. Oranges are a popular fruit for their vitamin C content and refreshing taste, but the rising cost is making them less accessible. 

The price hike is particularly difficult for families who enjoy oranges regularly. Some are switching to other fruits or buying less often, but the health benefits of oranges are hard to replace. This once-affordable fruit is now pricier.


pulled pork slider
Image Credits: Depositphotos/TeriVirbickis.

Pork, another popular source of protein, has seen a significant price increase. Factors like disease outbreaks in pig populations and higher feed costs contribute to the rising prices. Pork is a versatile meat used in everything from breakfast dishes to dinners, making this price hike widely felt. 

The cost increase is especially challenging for those who rely on pork as an affordable protein source. Some are switching to cheaper meats or cutting back on meat altogether, but pork is hard to replace. It’s no longer the budget-friendly option it once was.


Image Credits: Depositphotos/yskandag.

Corn, a staple ingredient in many foods, has also become more expensive. Droughts in key growing regions and rising production costs are driving the price hike. Corn is used in everything from side dishes to snacks, so the cost increase is widely felt. 

The rising price of corn is particularly challenging for those who rely on it as an affordable food option. Some are switching to other grains or cutting back on corn-based products, but the versatility of corn is hard to replace. This once-cheap staple is now more costly.

Ice Cream

Strawberry ice cream
Image Credits: Depositphotos/magone.

Ice cream, a favorite treat for many, has also become more expensive. The rising cost of dairy products, along with increased production and transportation expenses, are contributing to the price hike. Ice cream is often enjoyed as a dessert or snack, making the cost increase particularly noticeable. 

The price hike is especially challenging for families who buy ice cream regularly. Some are opting for smaller portions or less expensive brands, but the quality and enjoyment of ice cream are hard to beat. This once-affordable indulgence is now a luxury.

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